How to create a simple map with MapsIndoors

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In this guide you will learn to load a Google map with a MapsIndoors map on top. The full code example is shown in the JSFiddle below, but will be run through bit by bit in this guide.

Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API

The Google Maps API are loaded using a script tag like so:

<script src=""></script>

The libraries parameter is for loading additional libraries for Google Maps. The MapsIndoors SDK has a dependency on the geometry library. The key parameter contains your application's Google Maps API key. Look here For more information about how to obtain a key.

Loading the MapsIndoors SDK

The MapsIndoors SDK are loaded afther the Google Maps API using a script tag like so:

<script src=""></script>

The apiKey parameter contains your application's MapsIndoors API key.

Setting up the map

const googleMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {
lat: 38.8976067,
lng: -77.0365872
zoom: 19,
maxZoom: 21

First we need a DOM element for the map. document.getElementById('googleMap') Next we will configure the map by setting the center and a zoom level. The maxZoom parameter is set to disable the map from zooming further in that level 21.

Adding MapsIndoors

const mapsIndoors = new mapsindoors.MapsIndoors({
map: googleMap,

Now we create a new instance of the MapsIndoors class and assign the Google Map to the map parameter.

Adding a Floor Selector

const floorSelector = document.createElement('div');
new mapsindoors.FloorSelector(floorSelector, mapsIndoors);

A FloorSelector is created by calling the new mapsindoors.FloorSelector(floorSelector, mapsIndoors); passing in a DOM element and an instance of MapsIndoors. This googleMap.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP].push(floorSelector); adds the floor selector to the maps upper right corner as a map control.