Location Data Sources

Last updated:

In this tutorial we will show how you can build a custom Location Source, representing locations of people. The people's locations will be served from a mocked list in the source and displayed on a map.

We will start by creating our implementation of a location source.

Create the class PeopleLocationDataSource that implements MPLocationSource:

public class PeopleLocationDataSource implements MPLocationSource {

First we need to predefine some attributes:

  • BASE_POSITION: We need a base position as a start for the Locations
  • RANGE_MAX_LAT_OFFSET: A max latitude offset to put a limit on how far the Locations can move on the latitude axis.
  • RANGE_MAX_LNG_OFFSET: A max longitude offset to put a limit on how far the Locations can move on the longitude axis.
  • LOCATIONS_COUNT: The number of Locations desired
  • LOCATION_SOURCE_ID: a unique location source ID
  • LOCATION_TYPE: a type for the locations of this source
  • LOCATION_CLUSTER_ID: A cluster ID that will let locations from this source cluster together on the map in case of overlap.
  • DISPLAY_RULE: The display rule for the locations of this source.
private static final LatLng BASE_POSITION        = new LatLng( 57.0582502, 9.9504788 );
private static final double RANGE_MAX_LAT_OFFSET = 0.000626 / 4;
private static final double RANGE_MAX_LNG_OFFSET = 0.0003384 / 2;
private static final int LOCATIONS_COUNT = 20;
private static final int LOCATION_SOURCE_ID = 2000;
private static final String LOCATION_TYPE = "PeopleLocationType";
public static final int LOCATION_CLUSTER_ID = 1;
static final LocationDisplayRule DISPLAY_RULE = new LocationDisplayRule.Builder( LOCATION_TYPE ).
setBitmapDrawableIcon( R.drawable.generic_user ).
setVisible( true ).
setShowLabel( false ).
setZoomLevelOn( 18 ).
setLocationClusterId( LOCATION_CLUSTER_ID ).
setDisplayRank( 1 ).
// People avatar icons
private final int[] peopleAvatars = new int[]{

Then we need to add some variables:

  • observers: We need a base position as a start for the Locations.
  • locationsList: A max latitude offset to put a limit on how far the Locations can move on the latitude axis.
  • status: holds the status of the location data source.
  • mDataUpdateTimer: Timer that we will need to plan some recurrent updates.
  • dynamicLocations: a List of DynaLocations that will carry the dynamic side of the locations.
  • random: used to generate some random values in the data creation and editing.
private List<MPLocationsObserver> observers;
private List<MPLocation> locationsList;
private MPLocationSourceStatus status;
private Timer mDataUpdateTimer;
private List<DynaLocation> dynamicLocations;
private Random random = new Random();

Create the DynaLocation class that represents the moving Locations with a position and a heading:

class DynaLocation
LatLng pos;
double heading;
DynaLocation( @NonNull LatLng pos, double heading )
this.pos = pos;
this.heading = heading;
PeopleLocationDataSource() {
this.locationsList = new ArrayList<>( LOCATIONS_COUNT );
this.observers = new ArrayList<>();
this.status = MPLocationSourceStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED;

Create the startUpdatingPositions method that simply calls updateLocations every second:

void startUpdatingPositions() {
if (!setup()) {
if (mDataUpdateTimer != null) {
mDataUpdateTimer = null;
mDataUpdateTimer = new Timer();
mDataUpdateTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
}, 2000, 1000 );

Create a method that can stop the positions updates at any time:

void stopUpdatingPositions() {
if (mDataUpdateTimer != null) {

Create a method called setup that will:

  • Make sure that the data source was not already initialized and data is loaded.
  • Create the locations.
  • Make the first notification.
  • Change the status to available
private boolean setup()
if( this.status != MPLocationSourceStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED ) {
return true;
final BuildingCollection buildingCollection = MapsIndoors.getBuildings();
final boolean gotBuildings = buildingCollection != null;
if (!gotBuildings) {
return false;
locationsList.addAll( generateLocations( false ) );
notifyUpdateLocations( locationsList );
setStatus( MPLocationSourceStatus.AVAILABLE );
return true;

Create a method called updateLocations that will update the position of the Locations:

void updateLocations() {
// make sure that that the MapsIndoors is ready and that everything is well set
if (!MapsIndoors.isReady()) {
// Create a list where we are gonna put the updated locations
final List<MPLocation> updatedList = new ArrayList<>();
// First time, generate info
final int locationListSize = locationsList.size();
if ((dynamicLocations == null) && (locationListSize > 0)) {
dynamicLocations = new ArrayList<>(locationListSize);
for (int i = 0; i < locationListSize; i++) {
final MPLocation Location = locationsList.get(i);
double ang = (i * 10.0) % 360.0;
dynamicLocations.add(i, new DynaLocation(Location.getLatLng(), ang));
for (int i = 0, LocationCount = locationsList.size(); i < LocationCount; i++) {
final MPLocation p = locationsList.get(i);
// "Update" a Location MPLocation by using the copy/edit builder
final MPLocation.Builder updatedLoc = new MPLocation.Builder(p);
final DynaLocation dp = dynamicLocations.get(i);
final LatLng dpOldPos = dp.pos;
double newHeading = dp.heading;
LatLng newPos = SphericalUtil.computeOffset(dpOldPos, 2, dp.heading);
// Check limits, if the new position is outside the limit, then we will generate a new heading and calculate a new offset
if ((Math.abs(BASE_POSITION.latitude - newPos.latitude) > RANGE_MAX_LAT_OFFSET) ||
(Math.abs(BASE_POSITION.longitude - newPos.longitude) > RANGE_MAX_LNG_OFFSET)) {
newHeading += (180.0 + (random.nextInt() * 15));
newHeading = newHeading % 360;
newPos = SphericalUtil.computeOffset(newPos, 1, newHeading);
dp.pos = newPos;
dp.heading = newHeading;
// set the new position with an animation time
updatedLoc.setPosition(dp.pos, 1000);
// Add the updated Location to the updatedLoc list
// Update the current locations list
// Give a notification

Create a method called generateLocations. Iterate numberOfPeople and for each iteration create:

  • An MPLocation Builder with an id
  • A random position according to the 'randomizeStartingPosition' parameter
  • A name
  • A type - later used to style the location
  • A floor Index
  • A building
private List<MPLocation> generateLocations( boolean randomizeStartingPosition )
final List<MPLocation> peopleLocations = new ArrayList<>( LOCATIONS_COUNT );
final BuildingCollection buildingCollection = MapsIndoors.getBuildings();
final boolean gotBuildingData = buildingCollection != null;
final int avatarIconsCount = peopleAvatars.length;
int avatarCurrentIndex = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < LOCATIONS_COUNT; i++) {
final String personName = getPersonName();
final LatLng personPosition;
if (randomizeStartingPosition) {
personPosition = getRandomPosition();
} else {
personPosition = BASE_POSITION;
final MPLocation.Builder locBuilder = new MPLocation.Builder(""+ LOCATION_SOURCE_ID + i);
// give an icon to the Location
final @DrawableRes int currentAvatarIcon = peopleAvatars[avatarCurrentIndex];
avatarCurrentIndex = (avatarCurrentIndex + 1) % avatarIconsCount;
locBuilder.setVectorDrawableIcon(currentAvatarIcon, 32, 32);
if (gotBuildingData) {
// Find a building at this location (personPosition)
final Building building = buildingCollection.getBuilding(personPosition);
if (building != null) {
// Building found at this location, get the list of floors in it
final List<Floor> floors = building.getFloors();
// Choose a random floor
final Floor floor = floors.get((int) (Math.random() * (floors.size())));
// Set the Location floor
locBuilder.setFloor((floor != null) ? floor.getZIndex() : Floor.DEFAULT_GROUND_FLOOR_INDEX);
// Set the building name where this Location is in
} else {
// If this location was outside a building, set its floor/z index to zero (ground floor)
} else {
// If this location was outside a building, set its floor/z index to zero (ground floor)
return peopleLocations;

Create a method called getPersonName that simply just returns a random name selected from the arrays below:

// lists of names and last names
private final String[] FIRST_NAMES = {"John", "Joe", "Javier", "Mike", "Janet", "Susan", "Cristina", "Michelle"};
private final String[] LAST_NAMES = {"Smith", "Jones", "Andersson", "Perry", "Brown", "Hill", "Moore", "Baker"};
private String getPersonName() {
final int firstNameIndex = random.nextInt(FIRST_NAMES.length);
final int lastNameIndex = random.nextInt(LAST_NAMES.length);
return String.format("%1s %2s", FIRST_NAMES[firstNameIndex], LAST_NAMES[lastNameIndex]);

Create a method called getRandomPosition that simply just returns a random LatLng (here within proximity of the demo venue):

private LatLng getRandomPosition() {
final double lat = BASE_POSITION.latitude + (-4 + random.nextInt(20)) * 0.000005;
final double lng = BASE_POSITION.longitude + (-4 + random.nextInt(20)) * 0.000010;
return new LatLng(lat, lng);

Create a method called notifyUpdateLocations to loop all the observers and notify them with an update:

private void notifyUpdateLocations(List<MPLocation> updatedLocations) {
for (int i = observers.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
observers.get(i).onLocationsUpdated(updatedLocations, this);

The same thing for notifying observers with new status. Create a method called notifyLocationStatusChanged to loop all the observers and notify them with a status change:

private void notifyLocationStatusChanged(@NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus prevStatus, @NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus newStatus) {
for (int i = observers.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
observers.get(i).onStatusChanged(newStatus, this);

Sets the internal state and notifies a status changed message if applies:

private void setStatus(@NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus newStatus) {
MPLocationSourceStatus cStatus = status;
if (cStatus != newStatus) {
status = newStatus;
notifyLocationStatusChanged(cStatus, newStatus);

Implement the MPLocationSource method getLocations:

public List<MPLocation> getLocations() {
return locationsList;

Implement the MPLocationSource method addLocationObserver:

public void addLocationsObserver(@Nullable MPLocationsObserver observer) {
if (observer != null) {

Implement the MPLocationSource method removeLocationObserver:

public void removeLocationsObserver(@Nullable MPLocationsObserver observer) {
if (observer != null) {

Implement the MPLocationSource method getStatus:

public MPLocationSourceStatus getStatus() {
return status;

Implement the MPLocationSource method getSourceId:

public int getSourceId() {

See the sample in PeopleLocationDataSource.java

Now we will create another location source that represents batteries. The power level of the batteries will be changing over time and it needs to be visible on the map realtime.

We will start by creating our implementation of a location source.

Create the class BatteriesLocationDataSource that implements MPLocationSource:

public class BatteriesLocationDataSource implements MPLocationSource {

First we need to predefine some attributes:

  • BASE_POSITION: We need a base position as a start for the Locations.
  • LOCATIONS_COUNT: The number of locations desired.
  • LOCATION_SOURCE_ID: a unique location source ID.
  • LOCATION_TYPE: a type for the locations of this source.
  • LOCATION_CLUSTER_ID: A cluster ID that will let locations from this source cluster together on the map in case of overlap.
  • DISPLAY_RULE: The display rule for the locations of this source.
private static final LatLng BASE_POSITION       = new LatLng( 57.0579814, 9.9504668 );
private static final int LOCATIONS_COUNT = 20;
private static final int LOCATION_SOURCE_ID = 10000;
private static final String LOCATION_TYPE = "BatteryLocationType";
private static final int LOCATION_CLUSTER_ID = 2;
static final LocationDisplayRule DISPLAY_RULE = new LocationDisplayRule.Builder( LOCATION_TYPE ).
setVectorDrawableIcon( R.drawable.ic_battery_60_black_24dp ).
setVisible( true ).
setShowLabel( false ).
setZoomLevelOn( 16 ).
setLocationClusterId( LOCATION_CLUSTER_ID ).
setDisplayRank( 1 ).

Then we need to add some variables:

  • observers: The observer objects that we will notify about changes.
  • locationsList: A list of MPLocation - Will have the list of the MPLocations up to date.
  • status: holds the status of the location data source.
  • random: Used to generate some random values in the data creation and editing.
  • mDataUpdateTimer: Timer that we will need to plan some recurrent updates.
  • iconCurrentIndex: An index for icons so we can update the locations with the same icon each time.
private List<MPLocationsObserver> observers;
private List<MPLocation> locationsList;
private MPLocationSourceStatus status;
private Random random = new Random();
private Timer mDataUpdateTimer;
private int iconCurrentIndex = 0;
BatteriesLocationDataSource() {
this.locationsList = new ArrayList<>( LOCATIONS_COUNT );
this.observers = new ArrayList<>();
this.status = MPLocationSourceStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED;

Create the startUpdatingIcons method that simply calls updateLocations every half a second.

void startUpdatingIcons() {
if (!setup()) {
if (mDataUpdateTimer != null) {
mDataUpdateTimer = null;
mDataUpdateTimer = new Timer();
mDataUpdateTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
}, 2000, 500 );

Create a method that can stop the icons update at any time.

void stopUpdatingIcons() {
if (mDataUpdateTimer != null) {

Create a method called setup that will:

  • Make sure that data source was not already initialized and data is loaded.
  • Create the locations.
  • Make the first notification.
  • Change the status to available.
private boolean setup()
if( this.status != MPLocationSourceStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED ) {
return true;
final BuildingCollection buildingCollection = MapsIndoors.getBuildings();
final boolean gotBuildings = buildingCollection != null;
if( !gotBuildings ) {
return false;
locationsList.addAll( generateLocations( true ) );
notifyUpdateLocations( locationsList );
setStatus( MPLocationSourceStatus.AVAILABLE );
return true;
// Icons
final int[] icons = new int[]{

Create a method called updateLocations. Iterate number again and for each iteration:

  • Get the corresponding MPLocation Builder
  • Set a new position
  • Generate an MPLocation from a MPLocation.Builder
  • Call the notifyUpdateLocations with the updated list.
void updateLocations() {
if (!MapsIndoors.isReady()) {
final int locCount = locationsList.size();
final List<MPLocation> updatedList = new ArrayList<>(locCount);
int iColor = 0;
@DrawableRes int currentIcon = 0;
// Icon and tint color (animated)
final int availableIconsCount = icons.length;
// the color tint will vary
iColor = ColorUtils.blendARGB(0xff2DD855, 0xffFF3700, ((1f * iconCurrentIndex) / availableIconsCount));
currentIcon = icons[iconCurrentIndex];
iconCurrentIndex = (iconCurrentIndex + 1) % availableIconsCount;
for (int i = 0, LocationCount = locationsList.size(); i < LocationCount; i++) {
final MPLocation p = locationsList.get( i );
// "Update" an MPLocation by using the copy/edit builder
final MPLocation.Builder updatedLocation = new MPLocation.Builder( p );
// Change the icon & tint color
// Specify a size
setVectorDrawableIcon( currentIcon, 32, 32 ).
// Specify the tint color
setTint( iColor );
updatedList.add( updatedLocation.build() );
locationsList.addAll( updatedList );
notifyUpdateLocations( updatedList );

Create a method called generateLocations:

  • An MPLocation.Builder with an id
  • A random position
  • A name
  • A type - later used to style the location
  • A floor Index
  • A building
private List<MPLocation> generateLocations( boolean randomizeStartingPosition )
final List<MPLocation> peopleLocations = new ArrayList<>( LOCATIONS_COUNT );
final BuildingCollection buildingCollection = MapsIndoors.getBuildings();
final boolean gotBuildingData = buildingCollection != null;
for ( int i = 0; i < LOCATIONS_COUNT; i++) {
final LatLng personPosition;
if (randomizeStartingPosition) {
personPosition = getRandomPosition();
} else {
personPosition = BASE_POSITION;
final MPLocation.Builder locBuilder = new MPLocation.Builder( "" + LOCATION_SOURCE_ID + i );
locBuilder.setPosition( personPosition ).
setName( "Battery" + i ).
if (gotBuildingData) {
// Find a building at this location (personPosition)
final Building building = buildingCollection.getBuilding(personPosition);
if (building != null) {
// Building found at this location, get the list of floors in it
final List<Floor> floors = building.getFloors();
// Choose a random floor
final Floor floor = floors.get((int) (Math.random() * (floors.size())));
// Set the Location floor
locBuilder.setFloor((floor != null) ? floor.getZIndex() : Floor.DEFAULT_GROUND_FLOOR_INDEX);
// Set the building name where this Location is in
locBuilder.setBuilding( building.getName() );
} else {
// If this location was outside a building, set its floor/z index to zero (ground floor)
locBuilder.setFloor( Floor.DEFAULT_GROUND_FLOOR_INDEX );
} else {
// If this location was outside a building, set its floor/z index to zero (ground floor)
locBuilder.setFloor( Floor.DEFAULT_GROUND_FLOOR_INDEX );
peopleLocations.add( locBuilder.build() );
return peopleLocations;

Create a method called getRandomPosition that simply returns a random LatLng (here within proximity of the demo venue):

private LatLng getRandomPosition() {
final double lat = BASE_POSITION.latitude + (-4 + random.nextInt(20)) * 0.000005;
final double lng = BASE_POSITION.longitude + (-4 + random.nextInt(20)) * 0.000010;
return new LatLng(lat, lng);

Create a method called notifyUpdateLocations to loop all the observers and notify them with an update:

private void notifyUpdateLocations( List<MPLocation> updatedLocations ) {
for( int i = observers.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
observers.get( i ).onLocationsUpdated( updatedLocations, this );

The same thing for notifying observers with new status

private void notifyLocationStatusChanged( @NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus prevStatus, @NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus newStatus ) {
for( int i = observers.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
observers.get( i ).onStatusChanged( newStatus, this );

Sets the internal state and notifies a status changed message if applies:

private void setStatus( @NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus newStatus ) {
MPLocationSourceStatus cStatus = status;
if (cStatus != newStatus) {
status = newStatus;
notifyLocationStatusChanged( cStatus, newStatus );

Implement the MPLocationSource method getLocations. This List will always contain the up to date MPLocations:

public List<MPLocation> getLocations() {
return locationsList;

Implement the MPLocationSource method addLocationObserver:

public void addLocationsObserver(@Nullable MPLocationsObserver observer) {
if (observer != null) {

Implement the MPLocationSource method removeLocationObserver:

public void removeLocationsObserver(@Nullable MPLocationsObserver observer) {
if (observer != null) {

Implement the MPLocationSource method getStatus:

public MPLocationSourceStatus getStatus() {
return status;

Implement the MPLocationSource method getSourceId:

public int getSourceId() {

See the sample in BatteriesLocationDataSource.java

Now we will create a Fragment displaying a map that shows the mocked people locations and the batteries on top of a MapsIndoors map.

Create the class LocationDataSourcesFragment that extends Fragment:

public class LocationDataSourcesFragment extends Fragment {

Add a GoogleMap and a MapControl to the class:

MapControl mMapControl;
GoogleMap mGoogleMap;

Add other needed views for this example:

SupportMapFragment mMapFragment;

The Venue's coordinates:

static final LatLng VENUE_LAT_LNG = new LatLng(57.05813067, 9.95058065);

Location Data Sources objects:

PeopleLocationDataSource peopleLocationDataSource;
BatteriesLocationDataSource batteriesLocationDataSource;

Once the map is ready, move the camera to the venue's location and call setupMapsIndoors:

OnMapReadyCallback mOnMapReadyCallback = new OnMapReadyCallback() {
public void onMapReady( GoogleMap googleMap )
mGoogleMap = googleMap;
mGoogleMap.moveCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( VENUE_LAT_LNG, 13.0f ) );

Create a method setupMapsIndoors and:

  • Initialize MapsIndoors.
  • Set the Google API Key (used by the routing provider).
  • Set a listener on the internal location data source service. Location data is not available at the same time other data (building info, etc.) is
  • Invoke the location sources and call setupMapControl when ready
void setupMapsIndoors() {
final Activity context = getActivity();
if ((context == null) || (mMapFragment == null) || (mMapFragment.getView() == null)) {
// Sets the SDK to a "clean" state. In most cases, this is not needed
MapsIndoors.initialize( DemoApplication.getInstance(), getString( R.string.mi_api_key ) );
MapsIndoors.setGoogleAPIKey( getString( R.string.google_maps_key ) );
// Set a listener to observe for location source status changes. In this example, we need to know when locations are
// ready (MPLocationSourceStatus.AVAILABLE) so we can start updating/animating them
MapsIndoors.addLocationSourceOnStatusChangedListener( locationSourceOnStatusChangedListener );
setupLocationDataSources( error -> setupMapControl() );

Create a method setupLocationDataSources:

  • Instantiate PeopleLocationDataSource and BatteriesLocationDataSource
  • Set/register the location sources
void setupLocationDataSources( @NonNull OnResultReadyListener listener ) {
Set<MPLocationSource> locationDataSources = new HashSet<>( 2 );
peopleLocationDataSource = new PeopleLocationDataSource();
locationDataSources.add( peopleLocationDataSource );
batteriesLocationDataSource = new BatteriesLocationDataSource();
locationDataSources.add( batteriesLocationDataSource );
MapsIndoors.setLocationSources( locationDataSources.toArray( new MPLocationSource[0] ), error -> {
final FragmentActivity context = getActivity();
if (context != null) {
context.runOnUiThread(() -> {
if (error != null) {
Toast.makeText(context, "Error occurred when setting the Datasources", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Create a method setupMapControl:

  • Instantiate MapControl.
  • Add the custom display rules used by the location sources.
  • Initialize the MapControl.init() object which will synchronize the data.
void setupMapControl() {
final Activity activityContext = getActivity();
if ((activityContext == null) || (mMapFragment == null)) {
mMapControl = new MapControl( activityContext );
mMapControl.setGoogleMap( mGoogleMap, mMapFragment.getView() );
mMapControl.addDisplayRule( PeopleLocationDataSource.DISPLAY_RULE );
mMapControl.addDisplayRule( BatteriesLocationDataSource.DISPLAY_RULE );
mMapControl.init( null );

Add locationSourceOnStatusChangedListener:

  • Once location data from our custom sources becomes available, start updating them
  • Select the first floor and move the camera to the Venue's position
final MPLocationSourceOnStatusChangedListener locationSourceOnStatusChangedListener = new MPLocationSourceOnStatusChangedListener() {
public void onStatusChanged( @NonNull MPLocationSourceStatus status, int sourceId ) {
if ( status == MPLocationSourceStatus.AVAILABLE ) {
final Activity context = getActivity();
if (context != null) {
context.runOnUiThread(() -> {
// Select a floor and animate the camera to the venue's position
mMapControl.selectFloor( 1 );
mGoogleMap.animateCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( VENUE_LAT_LNG, 20f ) );

Implement the onDestroyView method to stop updating the location sources:

public void onDestroyView() {
if (mMapControl != null) {
MapsIndoors.removeLocationSourceOnStatusChangedListener( locationSourceOnStatusChangedListener );
MapsIndoors.initialize( DemoApplication.getInstance(), getString( R.string.mi_api_key ) );

See the sample in LocationDataSourcesFragment.java

  1. Developing on the new Arm-based Apple Silicon (M1) Macs requires building and running on a physical iOS device or using an iOS simulator running iOS 13.7, e.g. iPhone 11. This is a temporary limitation in Google Maps SDK for iOS, and as such also a limitation in MapsIndoors, due to the dependency to Google Maps.
  2. Note: Due to a bug in CocoaPods it is necessary to include the post_install hook in your Podfile described in the PodFile post_install wiki.

The Concepts

The central concepts in this feature are Location Sources and Location Observers, and they are best described in the following illustration:

Location Data Sources, Observers and their relation

Location Source

Maintains an array of locations and notifies its Location Observers about location and status updates.

Location Observer

Can observe a Location Source for status changes and location updates.

Creating Your own Location Source

In this tutorial we will show how you can build a custom Location Source, representing locations of people. The people locations will be served from a mocked list in the source and displayed on a map in a view controller.

We will start by creating our implementation of a location source.

Create a class PeopleLocationsDataSource that inherits from NSObject and implements MPLocationSource.

class PeopleLocationSource : NSObject, MPLocationSource {

Add some member variables to PeopleLocationsDataSource.

  • observers: The observer objects that we will notify about changes
  • locationUpdates: A list of MPLocationUpdate - the MPLocation builders
  • locationPoints: A list of MPPoint - the positions that we will mock
  • locationDirs: A list of directions - the walking direction for each "person"
  • queue: A backround queue
  • numberOfPeople: The number of people to mock
private var observers = [MPLocationsObserver]()
private var locationUpdates = [MPLocationUpdate]()
private var locationPoints = [MPPoint]()
private var locationDirs = [Double]()
private let queue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "UpdatePositions")
private let numberOfPeople = 100

Create a method called getRandomPoint that simply just returns a random point (here within proximity of the demo venue)

func getRandomPoint() -> MPPoint {
let lat = 57.058037 + Double.random(in: -0.0004 ..< 0.0004)
let lng = 9.950572 + Double.random(in: -0.0004 ..< 0.0004)
return MPPoint.init(lat: lat, lon: lng, zValue: 1)

Create a method called createPeople that takes a type string. Iterate numberOfPeople and for each iteration create:

  • An MPLocationUpdate with an id and a source (self)
  • A type - later used to style the location
  • A floor
  • A random point and initial direction for the person
func createPeople(_ type: String) {
for locId in 0 ..< numberOfPeople {

let locationUpdate = MPLocationUpdate.init(id: locId, from: self)

locationUpdate.type = type
locationUpdate.addPropertyValue("John Doe #\(locId)", forKey: MPLocationFieldName)
locationUpdate.floor = 1
let p = getRandomPoint()
locationDirs.append(Double.random(in: 0 ..< 360))
locationUpdate.position = p.getCoordinate()


Create a method called updatePositions. Iterate numberOfPeople again and for each iteration:

  • Get the corresponding MPLocationUpdate
  • Set a new position using Google Maps' offsetting function
  • Save a new heading and position
  • Generate MPLocation from the MPLocationUpdate After iteration, notify each observer about the updates locations
func updatePositions() {
var updatedLocations = [MPLocation]()
for locId in 0 ..< numberOfPeople {
let locationUpdate = locationUpdates[locId]
let newPos = GMSGeometryOffset(locationPoints[locId].getCoordinate(), 0.5, locationDirs[locId])
locationUpdate.position = newPos
locationDirs[locId] = locationDirs[locId] + Double.random(in: -22 ..< 22)
locationPoints[locId] = MPPoint.init(lat: newPos.latitude, lon: newPos.longitude)
for observer in observers {
observer.onLocationsUpdate(updatedLocations, source: self)
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {

Create a method called startMockingPositions that simply just calls updatePositions in the future.

func startMockingPositions() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {

Create an initialiser that takes a type string. Call createPeople and startMockingPositions.

convenience init(type:String) {




Implement the MPLocationSource method getAllLocations. For this demo just return an empty array as each update will also contain the full list of locations.

func getLocations() -> [MPLocation] {
return []

Implement the MPLocationSource method addLocationObserver.

func add(_ observer: MPLocationsObserver) {

Implement the MPLocationSource method removeLocationObserver.

func remove(_ observer: MPLocationsObserver) {
observers = observers.filter({ (obsvr) -> Bool in
return obsvr === observer

Implement the MPLocationSource method sourceStatus.

func status() -> MPLocationSourceStatus {
return .available

Implement the MPLocationSource method sourceIdentifier.

func sourceId() -> Int32 {
return 0;

See the sample in PeopleLocationSource.swift

Create Another Location Source That Mocks the Availability of Meeting Rooms or Work Desks

This location source rely on MapsIndoors data, so we will consume the locations of MPMapsIndoorsLocationSource and relay them as this source's own locations. Thus we need to observe the MPMapsIndoorsLocationSource and act as a LocationSource at the same time.

Create a class RoomAvailabilitySource that inherits from NSObject and implements MPLocationSource and MPLocationsObserver.

class RoomAvailabilitySource : NSObject, MPLocationSource, MPLocationsObserver {

Add some member variables to RoomAvailabilitySource.

  • observers: The observer objects that we will notify about changes
  • locationUpdates: A dictionary of reusable MPLocationUpdate models
  • miMapsIndoorsSource: The MapsIndoors source to observe
private var observers = [MPLocationsObserver]()
private var locationUpdates = Dictionary<String, MPLocationUpdate>()
private let miMapsIndoorsSource:MPLocationSource = MPMapsIndoorsLocationSource()

In the initialiser, add this instance as observer for The MapsIndoors source.

override init() {

Create a method updateIconForLocation that takes a location and grabs or creates a location update object. Randomly modify the icon of that location so it looks occupied.

func updateIconForLocation(location:MPLocation) -> MPLocationUpdate? {
if locationUpdates[location.locationId!] == nil {
locationUpdates[location.locationId!] = MPLocationUpdate.init(location: location)
let locUpdate = locationUpdates[location.locationId!]

if (Int.random(in: 0...1) == 0) {
locUpdate?.icon = UIImage(named: "closed")!
return locUpdate

Create a method updateLocations that runs through a list of locations add creates location update objects.

func updateLocations(locations:[MPLocation]) -> [MPLocation] {

var updatedLocations = [MPLocation]()

for location in locations {
if let locUpdate = updateIconForLocation(location: location) {

return updatedLocations

Implement the MPLocationSource method getLocations. For this demo just return the full list of MapsIndoors' locations.

func getLocations() -> [MPLocation] {
return miMapsIndoorsSource.getLocations()

Implement the MPLocationSource method addLocationObserver.

func add(_ observer: MPLocationsObserver) {

Implement the MPLocationSource method removeLocationObserver.

func remove(_ observer: MPLocationsObserver) {
observers = observers.filter({ (obsvr) -> Bool in
return obsvr !== observer

Implement the MPLocationSource method sourceStatus.

func status() -> MPLocationSourceStatus {
return .available

Implement the MPLocationSource method sourceIdentifier.

func sourceId() -> Int32 {
return 2;

Relay onLocationsDelete events to this sources own observers.

func onLocationsDelete(_ locations: [String], source: MPLocationSource) {
for obsvr in observers {
obsvr.onLocationsDelete(locations, source: self)

In onLocationsUpdate create new modified locations objects and call the observers.

func onLocationsUpdate(_ locationUpdates: [MPLocation], source: MPLocationSource) {
let locations = updateLocations(locations: locationUpdates)
for obsvr in observers {
obsvr.onLocationsUpdate(locations, source: self)

Relay onStatusChange events to this sources own observers.

func onStatusChange(_ status: MPLocationSourceStatus, source: MPLocationSource) {
for obsvr in observers {
obsvr.onStatusChange(status, source: self)

See the sample in RoomAvailabilitySource.swift

Create a View Controller Displaying a Map That Shows the Mocked People Locations and the Mocked Room Availability on top of a MapsIndoors Map

Create a class LocationSourcesController that inherits from UIViewController.

class LocationSourcesController: UIViewController {

Add a GMSMapView and a MPMapControl to the class

var map: GMSMapView? = nil
var mapControl: MPMapControl? = nil

override func viewDidLoad() {


Inside viewDidLoad, register the sources PeopleLocationSource and RoomAvailabilitySource

PeopleLocationSource.init(type: "People"),

Inside viewDidLoad, setup the map so that it shows the demo venue and initialise mapControl

self.map = GMSMapView.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
self.view = self.map
self.map?.camera = .camera(withLatitude: 57.057964, longitude: 9.9504112, zoom: 20)
self.mapControl = MPMapControl.init(map: self.map!)

Inside viewDidLoad, setup a display setting that refers to the type of locations that your people location source operates with.

let dr = MPLocationDisplayRule.init(name: "People", andIcon: UIImage.init(named: "user.png"), andZoomLevelOn: 17)!

Optionally, when you leave this controller. Remove the custom Location Source by adding back the MPMapsIndoorsLocationSource as the only one.

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

See the sample in LocationSourcesController.swift