Display Rules

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What are Display Rules

In this guide you will be introduced to the concept of Display Rules and how you can use Display Rules to change how Locations (POIs, Rooms and Areas) are displayed on the map.

The MapsIndoors CMS is used to control the initial appearance of Locations. However, the Display Rules—and thereby the appearance of Locations—can be changed from the application at runtime. This gives the application the power to change Locations based on events in the app.

Display Rule Hierarchy

In each MapsIndoors SDK, a "Main Display Rule" outlines a list of sensible defaults for all geodata. Each Location Type inherits its values from this Main Display Rule, unless the value is specifically overriden.

Each Location (Room, Area or POI) uses the Display Rule from the Type, except for values that are specifically set for the individual Location.

Here's a visualization of the inheritance principle (click to view larger version):

Display Rules inhertiance principle

As an example, you might want all polygons to be red. However, the Location Type for "Meeting Room" specifies that their polygons should be blue, while the "Executive Meeting Room" Location specifically has an orange polygon.

No matter what is specified in this hierarchy, you can override it at runtime in your app. That means, as an example, that all matches for a specific search query can be specified to have a polygon color that is pink, regardless of what exisits in the defaults, on their Types, and for those Locations specifically.

To remove a value from the Display Rule (to make it inherit from further up the hierarchy) set the proptery to null.

⚠️ For Android SDK v3, you can not change Display Rules at runtime on the Location Types level to inherit for all Locations of that Type. To apply styling to all Locations of a Type, you need to filter all Locations of that Type, and update their Display Rules individually.

Display Rule Properties

A Display Rule could look like this:

"displaySetting": {
"visible": true,
"iconVisible": true,
"zoomFrom": 16.0,
"zoomTo": 22.0,
"icon": "https://app.mapsindoors.com/mapsindoors/cms/assets/icons/misc/default-marker.png?71488",
"iconScale": 1.0,
"iconSize": {
"width": 20.0,
"height": 20.0
"labelVisible": true,
"label": "",
"labelZoomFrom": 16.0,
"labelZoomTo": 22.0,
"labelMaxWidth": 0,
"polygon": {
"visible": false,
"zoomFrom": 18,
"zoomTo": 22,
"strokeWidth": 2.0,
"strokeColor": "#3071D9",
"strokeOpacity": 1.0,
"fillColor": "#3071D9",
"fillOpacity": 0.2

All properties are optional.

Properties Type Validation Description
visible boolean Must be true for the location to be shown in the map. If not true all other parameters are ignored.
iconVisible boolean Must be true for the icon to be visible in the map. If this is not true the zoomFrom, zoomTo, iconUrl, iconScale and iconSize parameters are ignored.
zoomFrom number 1-21 (22 if applicable) The minimum zoom level the image/icon will be visible on the map.
zoomTo number 1-21 (22 if applicable) The maximum zoom level the image/icon will be visible on the map.
icon string A URL to an image to represent the Location on the map.
iconScale double > 0 ⚠️ Deprecated
iconSize object Specifies the size that the image will appear on the map. {width: number, height: number}.
iconSize.width double > 0
iconSize.height double > 0
labelVisible boolean Controls the visibility of the label.
label string Descriptive text for the Location. This can either be a static text or a dynamic text, retrieved from a property on the Location, using double curly braces as delimiters. E.g. "{{ name }}" or a combination "Room: {{ name }}".
labelZoomFrom number 1-21 (22 if applicable) The maximum zoom level the image/icon will be visible on the map.
labelZoomTo number 1-21 (22 if applicable) The maximum zoom level the image/icon will be visible on the map.
labelMaxWidth double >= 0 In pixels. 0 represents an unlimited max length.
polygon object Everything under this parameter apply only to locations that have polygon data defined such as Rooms and Areas, but not POIs.
polygon.visible boolean Must be true for the polygon to be visible on the map. If this is not true all parameters under polygon are ignored.
polygon.zoomFrom 1-21 (22 if applicable) The lowest zoom level where the polygon will be shown.
polygon.zoomTo 1-21 (22 if applicable) The highest zoom level where the polygon will be shown. This number must be higher than polygon.zoomFrom unless polygon.zoomFrom is equal to the highest available zoom level for the Solution (this is 22 in some cases).
polygon.strokeWidth >= 0 The width of the outline of the polygon.
polygon.strokeColor Valid hex color The color of the outline of the polygon.
polygon.strokeOpacity 0-1 The opacity of the outline of the polygon. Set this to 0 if only the interior is to be shown.
polygon.fillColor Valid hex color The color of the interior of the polygon.
polygon.fillOpacity 0-1 The color of the interior of the polygon. Set this to 0 if only the outline is to be shown.

How to Use Display Rules in Practice in iOS SDK

See the iOS guide to Map Styling.

How to Use Display Rules in Practice in JS SDK

See the JS SDK guide to Using Display Rules in Practice.