MapsIndoors Android SDK v2

Last updated:

This guide explains how to start using a MapsIndoors map in your Android application using the MapsIndoors Android SDK v2.

To benefit from the guides, you will need basic knowledge about:

  • Android Development
  • Google Maps Android API

You can get started in two ways, either by reviewing and modifying the basic example or do the clean setup.

Basic Example

You will find in the link a repo that contains the minimum code to start a MapsIndoors project.

You can also follow the steps below to start your app from scratch or to enhance the Basic Examples, more features will be explained in the guides.

Setup MapsIndoors

Add the MapsIndoors SDK as a dependency to your project. The AAR for the MapsIndoors SDK contains both Java classes, SDK resources and AndroidManifest.xml template which gets merged into your application's AndroidManifest.xml during build process. Add or merge in the following to your app's build gradle file (usually called build.gradle).

Make sure that the minimum Android SDK version is 21 or above:

android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21

MapsIndoors rely on Java 8 features, so you must add the following compile options, also in android section of your build.gradle file:

android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Add the following dependencies and the MapsIndoors maven repository:

dependencies {
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.mapspeople.mapsindoors:mapsindoorssdk:{{%product-version%}}@aar'
maven {
url ''

Put those lines in your proguard-rules files :

-keep interface com.mapsindoors.mapssdk.** { *; }
-keep class com.mapsindoors.mapssdk.errors.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.mapsindoors.mapssdk.models.** { <fields>; }
-keep class com.mapsindoors.mapssdk.dbglog

Sync your project with gradle files.

Setup Google Maps

Learn how to setup Google Maps on Android in this Getting Started Guide.

Setup a Google Map with MapsIndoors

Place the following inititalisation code in the onCreate method in the activity that should display the Google map:


In your onMapReady callback function, use the MapControl class to set up a Google map with MapsIndoors venues, buildings & locations:

// Create a new MapControl instance
myMapControl = new MapControl( getApplicationContext(), mapFragment, mGoogleMap );

// Initialize MapControl to get the locations on the map, etc.
myMapControl.init( errorCode -> {
if( errorCode == null ) {
runOnUiThread( () -> {
// Animate the camera to show the venue
mGoogleMap.animateCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( new LatLng( 57.05813067, 9.95058065 ), 19f ) );

Head to the guides to learn about event handling, searching, getting directions, display settings and more.

Download and Bundle Offline Content

If needed, it is possible to bundle MapsIndoors content to make your app work better in offline or poor network conditions. (Please note that while MapsIndoors content can be used offline, Google Maps does not provide offline features. Outdoor wayfinding, Google Places searches will be unavailable and the surrounding map may be unavailable unless it has been cached.)

In your /res/values folder, create a file named mapsindoors_api.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="mapsindoors_api_key" translatable="false">YOUR_MAPSINDOORS_API_KEY</string>


  • YOUR_MAPSINDOORS_API_KEY with your MapsIndoors API key.

In your apps build gradle file, add these two lines:

apply from: ''
preBuild.dependsOn fetchData

Depending on the overall size of your MapsIndoors deployment, this may take some time, so during development you might want to comment out the script dependency.

Work with MapsIndoors SDK behind a Firewall

If you need to work with MapsIndoors SDK behind a firewall, you might need to allowlist some IP-addresses.