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MapsIndoors is built on top of Google Maps and on this page, you'll create a Google Maps API key with the relevant APIs enabled, retrieve a MapsIndoors API key and install the necessary dependencies to get started building your own app.

Get your Google Maps API Keys

You need to setup the Google Maps API in your project by following the steps in the link below:

Some Web Service APIs are also needed for the MapsIndoors SDK, so make sure to enable them when getting your key:

Remember to enable relevant Maps products (i.e. Maps JavaScript API) in your Google project and include these on your API key if you apply restrictions.

Alternatively: Get your Mapbox Access Token

You need to create and setup a Mapbox Access Token by following the steps in the link below:

Remember to enable relevant scopes on the Mapbox Access Token, such as:

Get your MapsIndoors API Key

In order to include MapsIndoors in your app, you need an API key. If you are not a customer you can use this API key d876ff0e60bb430b8fabb145 to follow the guide.

In order to include MapsIndoors in your own app with your own content, you need to contact MapsPeople to get your building drawings processed and hosted by us.

You will receive a unique API key to use when access has been granted. If you are exploring how this service can become part of your own product, you can read about partnering with MapsPeople here.

Next up: Create a new project