Create a Search Experience with MapsIndoors - Part 2

This is part 2 of the tutorial of creating a simple search experience using MapsIndoors. In Part 1 we created the search Fragment. Now we will create the "main" controller displaying the map and eventually the selected location.

Start by creating a Fragment

public class SearchMapFragment extends Fragment

Add a GoogleMap and a MapControl to the class

MapControl mMapControl;
GoogleMap mGoogleMap;

Add other needed views for this example

SupportMapFragment mMapFragment;
Button searchButton;
Location locationToSelect = null;

A listener to report the click on the search Button to the activity

private OnFragmentInteractionListener mListener;

The lat lng of the Venue

static final LatLng VENUE_LAT_LNG = new LatLng( 57.05813067, 9.95058065 );

Setting the API key to the desired Solution

if( !MapsIndoors.getAPIKey().equalsIgnoreCase( getString( R.string.mi_api_key ) ) )
MapsIndoors.setAPIKey( getString( R.string.mi_api_key ) );
if( getActivity() == null )

Instanciate the MapControl object

mMapControl = new MapControl( getActivity(), mMapFragment, mGoogleMap );
  • init the MapControl object which will sync data.
  • When the init is done, if the 'locationToSelect' is not null we call the 'mMapControl.selectLocation()' to select the desired location otherwise select a floor
mMapControl.init( miError -> {
if( miError == null )
Activity context = getActivity();
if( context != null )
context.runOnUiThread(() -> {
mGoogleMap.animateCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( VENUE_LAT_LNG, 20f ) );
if( locationToSelect != null )
mMapControl.selectLocation( locationToSelect );
locationToSelect = null;
mMapControl.selectFloor( 1 );

A public method to select a location

public void selectLocation(Location loc){
locationToSelect = loc;

See the sample in