Getting a Polygon from a Location

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Some locations in MapsIndoors can have additional polygon information. These polygons can be used to render a room or area in a special way or make geofences, calculating whether another point or location is contained within the polygon. If a MPLocation has polygons, these can be retrieved using:

Geometry geometry = location.getGeometry();
switch( geometry.getIType() ) {
case Geometry.TYPE_POINT: {
Point point = (Point) geometry;
case Geometry.TYPE_POLYGON: {
PolygonGeometry polygon = (PolygonGeometry) geometry;

// Using GMS helper classes
// Get all the paths in the polygon
final List<List<LatLng>> paths = polygon.getGMSPath();

final int pathCount = paths.size();

// Outer ring (first)
List<LatLng> path = paths.get( 0 );
for( final LatLng coordinate : path ) {
double lat = coordinate.latitude;
double lng = coordinate.longitude;

// Optional: Inner rings (holes)
for( int i = 1; i < pathCount; i++ ) {
List<LatLng> hole = paths.get( i );
for( final LatLng coordinate : hole ) {
double lat = coordinate.latitude;
double lng = coordinate.longitude;

As demonstrated above, a polygon's outer ring/path as well as holes are arranged as [longitude, latitude] pairs. As not all locations has polygons, the polygon array may be empty. On the contrary, some locations, like entire building floors, might have more than polygon.