Basic Searching for Web

Searching through your MapsIndoors data is an integral part of a great user experience with your maps. Users can look for places to go, or filter what is shown on the map.

Searches work on all MapsIndoors geodata. It is up to you to create a search experience that fits your use case. To aid you in this, there are a range of filters you can apply to the search queries to get the best results. E.g. you can filter by Categories, search only a specific part of the map or search near a Location.

See the full list of parameters in the reference guide.

Example of Creating a Search Query

const searchParameters = {
q: 'Office',
near: { lat: 38.897579747054046, lng: -77.03658652944773 }, // // Blue Room, The White House
take: 1
} => {

All three return a list of Locations from your Solution matching the parameters they are given. The results are ranked upon the 3 following factors:

  • If a "near" parameter is set, how close is the origin point to the result?
  • How well does the search input text match the text of the result (using the "Levenshtein distance" algorithm)?
  • Which kind of geodata is the result (e.g. Buildings are ranked over POIs)?

This means that the first item in the search result list will be the one matching the 3 factors best and so forth.

Display Search Results on the Map

When displaying the search results it is helpful to filter the map to only show matching Locations. Matching Buildings and Venues will still be shown on the map, as they give context to the user, even if they aren't selectable on the map.

Filter the Map to Display Searched Locations on the Map

const searchParameters = {
q: 'Office',
near: { lat: 38.897579747054046, lng: -77.03658652944773 }, // // Blue Room, The White House
take: 1
} => {
mapsIndoorsInstance.filter( =>, false);

Clearing the Map of your filter

After displaying the search results on your map you can then clear the filter so that all Locations show up on the map again.

Example of Clearing Your Map Filter to Show All Locations Again


Display Locations as List

You can also search for Locations, and have them presented to you as a list, instead of just displaying them on the map.

The full code example is shown in the JSFiddle below, which will be examined below.

The class exposes the getLocations function that enables you to search for Locations.

It will return a Promise that gets resolved when the query has executed.

See for more information.

searchElement.addEventListener('input', debounce((e) => {
const value =;
if (value > '') {{ q: value, includeOutsidePOI: true })
} else {
}, 500));

The debounce method is there to ensure that the service is not being called in rapid succession. This method delays the execution of the function by 500ms, unless debounce is called again within 500ms, in which case the timer is reset.

See this article "What is debouncing" by Jamis Charles for a more detailed description of the debounce concept.

When the function executes, we check whether the input is empty or not. A request object is created if the input is not empty.

The getLocations function expects either no input, in which case it returns all Locations, or an Object (please refer to the official documentation for an exhaustive list of properties). In this case, the constant value is passed to the q property and the includeOutsidePOI property is set to true. When the Promise resolves, the response is passed to the displayResults helper function.

If the input is empty, we clear the result list and reset the map filter by calling the helper functions clearResults and clearFilter.

Checking for Results

We need to clear the previous results, and check if any Locations were returned. If so, we loop through them and add them to the result list.

function displayResults(locations) {

if (locations.length > 0) {
for (const location of locations) {
searchResults.innerHTML += `<li>${}</li>`;
} else {
searchResults.innerHTML = '<li class="no-results">No results matched the query.</li>';

return locations;

If no Locations are returned, a message is shown to the user stating "No results matched the query.". Otherwise, we pass the Locations on to the next helper function called filterMap.

function filterMap(locations) {
mapsIndoors.filter( =>, false);
return locations;

The purpose of the filterMap function is to create a list of location ids used to filter the Locations on the map.

The second parameter tells MapsIndoors not to change the viewport of the map.

For more information, see MapsIndoors.filter in the reference documentation.