
Last updated:

A newer version of the MapsIndoors SDK for iOS is available. The legacy version will not receive new features and will only get critical bugfix and security updates.

Searching for Locations and Displaying the Results on a Map

Use the MPLocationsProvider class to search for content in your MapsIndoors Solution.

This example shows how to setup a query for the nearest single best matching location and display the result on the map:

let locations = MPLocationsProvider.init()
let queryObj = MPLocationQuery.init()

queryObj.query = "Toilet"
queryObj.near = MPPoint.init(lat: 57.057964, lon: 9.9504112)
queryObj.max = 1

locations.getLocationsUsing(queryObj) { (locationData, error) in
if error == nil {
let location = locationData?.list.first
self.mapControl?.go(to: location)

This example shows how to setup a query for a group of locations and display the result on the map:

let locations = MPLocationsProvider.init()
let queryObj = MPLocationQuery.init()

queryObj.categories = ["Toilet"]
queryObj.max = 50

locations.getLocationsUsing(queryObj) { (locationData, error) in
if error == nil {
self.mapControl?.searchResult = locationData!.list
let firstLocation = locationData?.list.first
self.mapControl?.currentFloor = firstLocation.floor

Please note that you are not guaranteed that the visible floor contains any search results, so that is why we change floor in the above example.

Getting Directions and Displaying a Route Result on a Map

Use the MPDirectionsService class to search for directions. You need to build a query using the MPDirectionsQuery class.

This example shows how to setup a query for a route and display the result on the map:

let directions = MPDirectionsService.init()
let renderer = MPDirectionsRenderer.init()
renderer.delegate = self

let origin = MPPoint.init(lat: 57.057917, lon: 9.950361, zValue:0)
let destination = MPPoint.init(lat: 57.058038, lon: 9.950509, zValue:0)

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin!, destination: destination!)

directions.routing(with: directionsQuery) { (route, error) in =
renderer.route = route
renderer.routeLegIndex = 0

The route object is seperated into objects of MPRouteLeg and these legs are again seperated indo objects of MPRouteStep. A specific part of the route can be rendered by setting the routeLegIndex and/or routeStepIndex properties.

let renderer = MPDirectionsRenderer.init()
renderer.routeLegIndex = 0
renderer.routeStepIndex = 1

The length of the legs and steps arrays determines the possible values of routeLegIndex and routeStepIndex (0 ..< length).

Subscribing to Floor Changes in the Rendering

Assigning a MPDirectionsRenderer delegate will make it possible to know which floor the currently rendered part of the route belongs to:

func floorDidChange(_ floor: NSNumber!) {
mapControl?.currentFloor = floor

Working with Directions Settings

Avoid certain way types on the route using the avoidWayTypes property.

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin!, destination: destination!)
directionsQuery.avoidWayTypes = ["stairs"]

Set a departure date or an arrival date on the route using the departure or arrival property. It will only make sense to set one of these properties at a time.

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin!, destination: destination!)
directionsQuery.departure = Date.init()

Working with Events

The MapControl delegate can inform you when the various data from the MapsIndoors services are loaded through it's MPMapControlDelegate so you should set the delegate, in most of the cases with the current UIViewController:

myMapControl.delegate = self

Implement the onMapDataReady method :

class ViewController: UIViewController, MPMapControlDelegate

Then implementing the methods below :

func onMapDataReady(){


Handling marker selections and other user events

Detecting the user tapping a marker or an infowindow is part of the Google Maps SDK for iOS. Assign myGMSMapView.delegate and implementing the methods: mapView.didTapMarker(marker: GMSMarker) and mapView.didTapInfoWindowOfMarker(marker: GMSMarker)

func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTap marker: GMSMarker) -> Bool {
let location = mapControl?.getLocation(marker)
if location != nil {
myTextLabel.text = location!.name
return false

func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTapInfoWindowOf marker: GMSMarker) -> Bool {
let location = mapControl?.getLocation(marker)
if location != nil {
myTextLabel.text = location!.name
return false

Getting a marker from a location and vice versa

If a MPLocation has been displayed on a map, the marker can be retrieved using location.marker. On the opposite, get a MPLocation from a GMSMarker using getLocation(marker: GMSMarker) on MPMapControl:

myMapControl.getLocation(marker : GMSMarker!)

Using Display Rules

In the MapsIndoors CMS you can set display settings for the different types of locations in your MapsIndoors content.

In some cases, you may also want to programmatically set display rules that defines when and how to show a location.

To add display rules, you need to know the types in your location dataset, so look these up in the CMS. The display rule name corresponds to the location type we want the rule to apply for.

// Adding a rule with name nil, will apply generally to all type of locations
myMapControl.add(MPLocationDisplayRule(name: nil, andIcon: UIImage(named : "info"), andZoomLevelOn: 17))

// Adding a rule with a name, will override a more general rule
myMapControl.add(MPLocationDisplayRule(name: "info", andIcon: UIImage(named : "info"), andZoomLevelOn: 17))
myMapControl.add(MPLocationDisplayRule(name: "parking", andIcon: UIImage(named : "parking"), andZoomLevelOn: 17))
myMapControl.add(MPLocationDisplayRule(name: "staircase", andIcon: UIImage(named : "staircase"), andZoomLevelOn: 18))

Create Custom UI

You can create your own UI based on the MapsIndoors data models given from MPDirectionsService or MPLocationsProvider. E.g. build a list of instructions based on the MPRouteLeg and MPRouteStep models given from a MPRoute object. Or build a content page based on the properties on an MPLocation object. You can see an example of this in the DetailsViewController and DirectionsController classes in the app code that is distributed along with the MapsIndoors SDK.