Directions Service for iOS

Last updated:

  1. Developing on the new Arm-based Apple Silicon (M1) Macs requires building and running on a physical iOS device or using an iOS simulator running iOS 13.7, e.g. iPhone 11. This is a temporary limitation in Google Maps SDK for iOS, and as such also a limitation in MapsIndoors, due to the dependency to Google Maps.
  2. Note: Due to a bug in CocoaPods it is necessary to include the post_install hook in your Podfile described in the PodFile post_install wiki.

The class MPDirectionsService is used to request routes from one point to another. The minimal required input is an origin and a destination. You need to build a query using the MPDirectionsQuery class.

This example shows how to setup and execute a query for a Route:

let directions = MPDirectionsService.init()
let origin = MPPoint.init(lat: 57.057917, lon: 9.950361, zValue:0)!
let destination = MPPoint.init(lat: 57.058038, lon: 9.950509, zValue:0)!
let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin, destination: destination)

directions.routing(with: directionsQuery) { (route, error) in


Change Transportation Mode

In MapsIndoors, the transportation mode is referred to as travel mode. There are four travel modes, walking, bicycling, driving and transit (public transportation). The travel modes generally applies for outdoor navigation. Indoor navigation calculations are based on walking travel mode.

Set travel mode on your request using the travelMode property on MPDirectionsQuery:

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin!, destination: destination!)
directionsQuery.travelMode = .driving

The travel modes generally applies for outdoor navigation. Indoor navigation calculations are based on walking travel mode.

Route Restrictions

Avoiding Stairs and Steps

For a wheelchair user or a user with physical disabilities it may be relevant to request a Route that avoids stairs and steps. Avoid certain way types on the route using the avoidWayTypes property.

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin, destination: destination)
directionsQuery.avoidWayTypes = ["stairs"]

App User Role Restrictions

In the MapsIndoors CMS it is possible to restrict certain ways in the Route Network to be used by users of certain Roles.

It is possible to get the available Roles with help of the MPSolutionProvider:

MPSolutionProvider.init().getUserRoles { (userRoles, error) in
let myUserRole = myUserRole.first

User Roles can be set on a global level using MapsIndoors.userRoles.

MapsIndoors.userRoles = [myUserRole]

This will affect all following Directions requests as well as search queries with MPLocationService. User Roles can also be set for a single Directions request.

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin, destination: destination)
directionsQuery.userRoles = [myUserRole]

directionsService.routing(with: directionsQuery) { (route, error) in


User Role restrictions set for a specific Directions Query will take precedence over User Roles set on a global level.

Transit Departure and Arrival Time

Set a departure date or an arrival date on the route using the departure or arrival property. This is relevant when using the Transit travel mode. It will only make sense to set one of these properties at a time.

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin, destination: destination)
directionsQuery.departure = Date.init()