How to use the MapsIndoors Web SDK v3

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Using the Display rules

Display rules use the following structure:

from: zoom_level, // Optional - defaults to 0
to: zoom_level, // Optional - defaults to 21
icon: google.maps.icon|"url" // Optional - defaults to current location icon url (dynamically set)
visible: boolean // Optional - defaults to true

To add your own custom icons for locations (point-of-interest, rooms, etc.), setup display rule(s) and make it known to your MapsIndoors object.

var googleMap = new google.maps.Map(...);
var mapsIndoors = new mapsindoors.MapsIndoors({map: googleMap});

mapsIndoors.setDisplayRule("info", {from:16, icon:"" });

Display rules are based on POI/Location types. Every location has one type property A set of types is defined/used in the MapsIndoors CMS. The current list of types can be listed using the LocationsService:

mapsindoors.SolutionService.getSolution().then(function(solution) {
var types = solution.types;

Two of these types could be of name "Parking” and "Office”, which indicates that these types are used for parking lots and offices respectively. In most cases, you might want to display parking icons on zoom-levels above office icons. Based on this intention you could set these rules:

mapsIndoors.setDisplayRule("parking", { from:16 }); // Using default type icon
mapsIndoors.setDisplayRule("office", { from:20 }); // Using default type icon

Getting a polygon from a location

Some locations in MapsIndoors can have additional polygon information. These polygons can be used to render a room or area in a special way or make geofences, calculating whether another point or location is contained within the polygon. If a location has polygons, these can be drawn onto the map this way:

var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon();

function drawPolygon(location) {
if (location.geometry && location.geometry.type === "Polygon") {
var paths = (ring) {
return (coordinate) {
return { lat: coordinate[1], lng: coordinate[0] };

map: googleMap,
paths: paths

As demonstrated above, a polygon's outer ring/path as well as holes are arranged as [longitude, latitude] pairs. As not all locations have polygons, the polygon array may be empty. On the contrary, some locations, like entire building floors, might have more than polygon.

Map Rendering

Setting the floor

Sets the current visible floor. This will make visible the corresponding floorplans and the icons on top of it. If the floor index provided does not correlate to any building floor, then the "nearest” floor will be activated. E.g. providing setFloor(4) on a three story building (with floor-indexes 0, 1, 2) will make the topmost floorplan visible (with floor-index 2).

Although floors may have names ("G” for 0, "M1” for 1, "M2” for 2 etc.) you need to set the floor using the index-value.


Getting the floor

Returns current floor index number (integer), e.g. 0 for ground floor, -1 for basement.


Using the Directions Renderer

Constructor. Takes directions render options as required parameter.

var directionsRenderer = new mapsindoors.DirectionsRenderer(
mapsindoors: mapsIndoors, // The MapsIndoors instance

Setting the Options of the Directions Renderer

Customizing style of route polylines is done using the setOptions method.

var directionsRenderer = new mapsindoors.DirectionsRenderer();

strokeColor: string // The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors.
strokeOpacity: number // The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0.
strokeWeight: number // The stroke width in pixels.
visible: boolean // Whether this polyline is visible on the map. Defaults to true.
zIndex: number // The rendering index in relation to other polylines

Getting a Route and Rendering it on a Map

Renders the route result using the applied render options. Used in conjunction with a DirectionsService, this is an example of displaying a route on the map.

var directionsService = mapsindoors.DirectionsService;
var renderer = new mapsindoors.DirectionsRenderer({ mapsindoors: mapsIndoors });

origin: {
lat: 55.687791059149376,
lng: 12.571580452361996,
floor: 0
destination: {
lat: 55.687476568798,
lng: 12.568619293609554,
floor: 0
mode: "WALKING"
avoidStairs: true
).then(function (result) {

Clearing a Route Rendering

Clear the current route rendering.


Using the Directions Service

Constructor. Instantiates a service that can be used for making route requests.

getRoute( request:DirectionsRequest )

Request routing from a point to another. The request object aligns to the Google Maps V3 API DirectionsRequest object specification, but with floor properties on origin and destination. Furthermore, avoidStairs boolean can be set to request routes for both disabled users and users without disabilities.

var directionsService = mapsindoors.DirectionsService

origin: {lat:57.5, lng: 12.9, floor: 0},
destination: {lat:57.5, lng: 12.9, floor: 0},
// MapsIndoors options
avoidStairs: true,
// Google Directions options
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode,
transitOptions: {...},
avoidFerries: true,
).then(function(routeResult) {
// Result will contain possible routes or none if routing failed.

Getting Icons from Location Types

A set of Location Types is defined for every MapsIndoors Solution. The current list of Types can be retrieved like this:

var solutionService = mapsindoors.SolutionService;

solutionService.getTypes().then(function(types) {
// returns array of types with format { name:string, displayRule: { icon:'https://icon.url' } }

Getting the Location Details

Get the full details object of a single location. Pass the MapsIndoors id string present in any location object at

var locations = new mapsindoors.LocationsService();
// Get all locations
locations.getLocations().then(function(data) {
locations.getLocationDetails(data[0].id).then(function(detailedData) {
// Returns a full-detail location object

Map Styles

A MapsIndoors map may have multiple styles/layouts. This is how a mapStyle object is structured.

let mapStyle = {
folder: 'styleFolder',
displayName: 'styleDisplayName' // Optional when created

When a new instance of MapsIndoors is created, it is created with the Google map as an argument. It is also possible to set the map style in the constructor.

let mapsIndoors = new mapsindoors.MapsIndoors({
map: googleMap,
mapStyle: MapStyle

It is also possible to set or get the map style at a later time, after MapsIndoors has been instantiated.

google.maps.event.addListener(mapsIndoors, 'ready', function () {
/* Get all avalible styles. */
let styles = mapsIndoors.getMapStyles();
/* Set the first style in the list as the one to be shown on the map. */
/* Get the current map style. */
let style = mapsIndoors.getMapStyle();