Show Location Details

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This is an example of displaying some details of a MapsIndoors location

Start by creating a Fragment or an Activity class that contains the Google map fragment

public class LocationDetailsFragment extends Fragment

Add a GoogleMap and a MapControl to the class

MapControl mMapControl;
GoogleMap mGoogleMap;

Add other needed views for this example

SupportMapFragment mMapFragment;
TextView detailsTextView;

The lat lng of the Venue

static final LatLng VENUE_LAT_LNG = new LatLng( 57.05813067, 9.95058065 );

Setup the needed views for this example

private void setupView( View rootView )
FragmentManager fm = getChildFragmentManager();
detailsTextView = rootView.findViewById( );
mMapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) fm.findFragmentById( );
mMapFragment.getMapAsync( mOnMapReadyCallback );

Once the map is ready move the camera to the venue location and call the setupMapsIndoors

OnMapReadyCallback mOnMapReadyCallback = new OnMapReadyCallback() {
public void onMapReady( GoogleMap googleMap )
mGoogleMap = googleMap;
mGoogleMap.moveCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( VENUE_LAT_LNG, 13.0f ) );

Setup MapsIndoors

void setupMapsIndoors()

Setting the API key to the desired Solution

if( !MapsIndoors.getAPIKey().equalsIgnoreCase( getString( R.string.mi_api_key ) ) )
MapsIndoors.setAPIKey( getString( R.string.mi_api_key ) );

Setting the Google API key

MapsIndoors.setGoogleAPIKey( getString( R.string.google_maps_key ) );
if( getActivity() == null )

Instanciate and init the MapControl object which will sync data

mMapControl = new MapControl( getActivity(), mMapFragment, mGoogleMap );
mMapControl.init( miError -> {
if( getActivity() != null )
getActivity().runOnUiThread(() -> {

Select a floor and animate the camera to the venue position

mMapControl.selectFloor( 1 );
mGoogleMap.animateCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( VENUE_LAT_LNG, 20f ) );

When a marker is clicked, get the related MapsIndoors location object and set the label text based on the name and description of the location

mMapControl.setOnMarkerClickListener( marker -> {
final Location loc = mMapControl.getLocation( marker );
if( loc != null )
if( detailsTextView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE )
detailsTextView.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE );

Show the Name and the description of a POI in a label

detailsTextView.setText( "Name: " + loc.getName() + "\nDescription: " + loc.getStringProperty( LocationPropertyNames.DESCRIPTION ) );
rn true;

Init the MapControl object which will sync data

mMapControl.init( miError -> {
if( miError == null )
Activity context = getActivity();
if( context != null )
context.runOnUiThread( () -> {

Select a floor and animate the camera to the venue position

mMapControl.selectFloor( 1 );
mGoogleMap.animateCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( VENUE_LAT_LNG, 20f ) );

See the sample in