User Authenticated Booking

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It is highly recommended to first read the guide on Booking to get an an understanding of how booking functions in the MapsIndoors SDK.

User Authenticated Bookings in Java

By default, the MPBookingService performs anonymous bookings using a service account known to MapsIndoors. However, it is also possible to list, perform and cancel Bookings on behalf of a user. For the MPBookingService to work on behalf of a user, it must identify the tenant with a given tenant id (optional for single tenant setups) and prove user access with an access token. See the following example.

MPBookingService mBookingService = MPBookingService.getInstance();

public void setAuthentication(String userToken, String tenantId) {
MPBookingAuthConfig authConfig = new MPBookingAuthConfig.Builder(userToken).setProviderTenantId(tenantId).build();


When the above configuration is in place, all following operations through the MPBookingService will be performed on behalf of a user. If the access token expires, the different Booking methods will result in errors and a new token must be obtained.

Obtaining a Tenant ID for User Bookings in Java

The tenant id is specific for each tenant / booking provider. If you don't know your tenant id, your IT administrator should be able to provide the information needed. Note that this is optional for single tenant setups and single tenant setups are the most common.

Obtaining an Access Token for User Bookings in Java

Obtaining an access token for working with Bookings on behalf of a user is outside of the scope of this guide. Usually an access token is obtained in a login flow in your own application.

Note that the access token obtained from a MapsIndoors Single Sign-on flow cannot be used as access token for the MPBookingService. Single Sign-on access tokens are issued by MapsIndoors and not the underlying tenant. You need to login directly on your Booking tenant to get an access token that can be used for working with the Booking Service as an authenticated user.

Disabling User Authenticated Bookings in Java

It is easy to disable the authentication, simply null the AuthConfig on the MPBookingService.

MPBookingService bookingService = MPBookingService.getInstance();


User Authenticated Bookings in Kotlin

By default, the MPBookingService performs anonymous bookings using a service account known to MapsIndoors. However, it is also possible to list, perform and cancel Bookings on behalf of a user. For the MPBookingService to work on behalf of a user, it must identify the tenant with a given tenant id (optional for single tenant setups) and prove user access with an access token. See the following example.

private val mBookingService: MPBookingService = MPBookingService.getInstance()

fun setAuthentication(accessToken: String, tenantId: String) {
val authConfig = MPBookingAuthConfig.Builder(accessToken).setProviderTenantId(tenantId).build()


When the above configuration is in place, all following operations through the MPBookingService will be performed on behalf of a user. If the access token expires, the different Booking methods will result in errors and a new token must be obtained.

Obtaining a Tenant ID for User Bookings in Kotlin

The tenant id is specific for each tenant / booking provider. If you don't know your tenant id, your IT administrator should be able to provide the information needed. Note that this is optional for single tenant setups and single tenant setups are the most common.

Obtaining an Access Token for User Bookings in Kotlin

Obtaining an access token for working with Bookings on behalf of a user is outside of the scope of this guide. Usually an access token is obtained in a login flow in your own application.

Note that the access token obtained from a MapsIndoors Single Sign-on flow cannot be used as access token for the MPBookingService. Single Sign-on access tokens are issued by MapsIndoors and not the underlying tenant. You need to login directly on your Booking tenant to get an access token that can be used for working with the Booking Service as an authenticated user.

Disabling User Authenticated Bookings in Kotlin

It is easy to disable the authentication, simply null the AuthConfig on the MPBookingService.

val bookingService = MPBookingService.getInstance()


User Authenticated Bookings for iOS

By default, the MPBookingService performs anonymous bookings using a service account known to MapsIndoors. However, it is also possible to list, perform and cancel Bookings on behalf of a user. For the MPBookingService to work on behalf of a user, it must identify the tenant with a given tenant id (optional for single tenant setups) and prove user access with an access token. See the following example.

let bookingService = MPBookingService.sharedInstance()

bookingService.authenticationConfig = MPBookingAuthConfig.init(accessToken: "some-user-access-token")
bookingService.authenticationConfig?.tenantId = "some-tenant-id"

When the above configuration is in place, all following operations through the MPBookingService will be performed on behalf of a user. If the access token expires, the different Booking methods will result in errors and a new token must be obtained.

Obtaining a Tenant ID for User Bookings for iOS

The tenant id is specific for each tenant / Booking provider. If you don't know your tenant id, your IT administrator should be able to provide the information needed. Note that this is optional for single tenant setups and single tenant setups are the most common.

Obtaining an Access Token for User Bookings for iOS

Obtaining an access token for working with Bookings on behalf of a user is outside of the scope of this guide. Usually an access token is obtained in a login flow in your own application.

Note that the access token obtained from a MapsIndoors Single Sign-on flow cannot be used as access token for the MPBookingService. Single Sign-on access tokens are issued by MapsIndoors and not the underlying tenant. You need to login directly on your Booking tenant to get an access token that can be used for working with the Booking Service as an authenticated user.

Disabling User Authenticated Bookings for iOS

Disabling User Authenticated Bookings is as simple as setting the authenticationConfig to nil:

let bookingService = MPBookingService.sharedInstance().authenticationConfig = nil

After disabling user authenticated Bookings, all following operations will be treated as anonymous Booking operations.

User Authenticated Bookings for Web

By default, the BookingService performs anonymous bookings using a service account known to MapsIndoors. However, it is also possible to list, perform and cancel Bookings on behalf of a user. For the BookingService to work on behalf of a user, it must identify the tenant with a given tenant id (optional for single tenant setups) and prove user access with an access token. See the following example.

  const bookingService =;
const bookingAuthenticationConfig = new bookingService.AuthenticationConfig('some-user-access-token', `some-tenant-id`);

When the above configuration is in place, all following operations through the BookingService will be performed on behalf of a user. If the access token expires, the different Booking methods will result in errors and a new token must be obtained.

Obtaining a Tenant ID for User Bookings for Web

The tenant id is specific for each tenant / Booking provider. If you don't know your tenant id, your IT administrator should be able to provide the information needed. Note that this is optional for single tenant setups and single tenant setups are the most common.

Obtaining an Access Token for User Bookings for Web

Obtaining an access token for working with Bookings on behalf of a user is outside of the scope of this guide. Usually an access token is obtained in a login flow in your own application.

Note that the access token obtained from a MapsIndoors Single Sign-on flow cannot be used as access token for the BookingService. Single Sign-on access tokens are issued by MapsIndoors and not the underlying tenant. You need to login directly on your Booking tenant to get an access token that can be used for working with the Booking Service as an authenticated user.

Disabling User Authenticated Bookings for Web

Disabling User Authenticated Bookings is as simple as calling the setAuthenticationConfig with null as the argument:


After disabling user authenticated Bookings, all following operations will be treated as anonymous Booking operations.