WCAG Compliance

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Making MapsIndoors accessible to all is important to us at MapsPeople, and we go to great lengths to make sure you can build accessible apps using our SDKs.

We support building apps that are at least compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA using any of the MapsIndoors SDKs (JavaScript, iOS, and Android). Our SDKs also support screen readers such as Voiceover on iOS and TalkBack on Android.

However, it is important to note that compliance with e.g. WCAG is to some degree a subjective assessment. You will only be judged based on which of the WCAG criteria fit your app's specific use case. We offer our customers the ability to build apps that are (most often) centered around maps, so they are judged on that, not how you would evaluate a music player or news app.

AAA Support

Technically, it is possible to build an app that is AAA compliant under the WCAG assessment, but most legal requirements focus on AA compliance, which is less specific on some points compared to AAA.


MapsPeople provides an External Visually Impaired Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), which details the guidelines and compliance level related to each MapsIndoors SDK. This document can also be acquired in PDF format upon request.

Compliance of SDKs indicate that a WCAG compliant application can be built using the SDK.

A - Beginner Level

Guideline Summary Status iOS SDK Status Web SDK Status Android SDK
1.1.1 – Non-text Content Provide text alternatives for non-text content Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.2.1 – Audio-only and Video-only (Pre-recorded) Provide an alternative to video-only and audio-only content Not Relevant Not relevant Not relevant
1.2.2 – Captions (Pre-recorded) Provide captions for videos with audio Not Relevant Not relevant Not relevant
1.2.3 – Audio Description or Media Alternative (Pre-recorded) Video with audio has a second alternative Not Relevant Not relevant Not relevant
1.3.1 – Info and Relationships Logical structure Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.3.2 – Meaningful Sequence Present content in a meaningful order Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.3.3 – Sensory Characteristics Use more than one sense for instructions Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.1 – Use of Colour Don’t use presentation that relies solely on colour Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.2 – Audio Control Don’t play audio automatically Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
2.1.1 – Keyboard Accessible by keyboard only Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.1.2 – No Keyboard Trap Don’t trap keyboard users Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.1.4 - Character Key Shortcuts Provide options for Character Key Shortcuts Not Relevant Not relevant Not relevant
2.2.1 – Timing Adjustable Time limits have user controls Not Relevant Compliant Not Relevant
2.2.2 – Pause, Stop, Hide Provide user controls for moving content Not Relevant Not relevant Not relevant
2.3.1 – Three Flashes or Below No content flashes more than three times per second Not Relevant Compliant Not Relevant
2.4.1 – Bypass Blocks Provide a ‘Skip to Content’ link Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
2.4.2 – Page Titled Use helpful and clear page titles Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.4.3 – Focus Order Logical order Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.4.4 – Link Purpose (In Context) Every link’s purpose is clear from its context Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.5.1 - Pointer Gestures Pointer Gestures can be operated with a single pointer Compliant Complaint Compliant
2.5.2 - Pointer Cancellation Functionality for pointer cancellation Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.5.3 - Label in Name Name of item contains text that is presented visually Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.5.4 - Motion Actuation Motion controls also have user interface components Compliant Compliant Not relevant
3.1.1 – Language of Page Page has a language assigned Not relevant Compliant Not relevant
3.2.1 – On Focus Elements do not change when they receive focus Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.2.2 – On Input Elements do not change when they receive input Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.3.1 – Error Identification Clearly identify input errors Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.3.2 – Labels or Instructions Label elements and give instructions Compliant Compliant Compliant
4.1.1 – Parsing No major code errors Not Relevant Compliant Not Relevant
4.1.2 – Name, Role, Value Build all elements for accessibility Compliant Compliant Compliant
Guideline Summary Status iOS SDK Status Web SDK Status Android SDK
1.2.4 – Captions (Live) Live videos have captions Not Relevant Not relevant Not Relevant
1.2.5 – Audio Description (Pre-recorded) Users have access to audio description for video content Not Relevant Not relevant Not Relevant
1.3.4 - Orientation Content is not restricted to specific orientation Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.3.5 - Identify Input Purpose Purpose of input fields is clear Not Relevant Not relevant Compliant
1.4.3 – Contrast (Minimum) Contrast ratio between text and background is at least 4.5:1 Compliant, but will depend on colors selected by customer. Compliant Compliant, but will depend on colors selected by customer.
1.4.4 – Resize Text Text can be resized to 200% without loss of content or function Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.5 – Images of Text Don’t use images of text Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.10 - Reflow Content responds dynamically to viewport dimension changes Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.11 - Non-text Contrast Non-textual elements have minimum contrast ratio Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.12 - Text Spacing Guidelines for text spacing Compliant Compliant Compliant
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus Guidelines for content behavior on interaction Not Relevant Not relevant Compliant
2.4.5 – Multiple Ways Offer several ways to find pages Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.4.6 – Headings and Labels Use clear headings and labels Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.4.7 – Focus Visible Ensure keyboard focus is visible and clear Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.1.2 – Language of Parts Tell users when the language on a page changes Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
3.2.3 – Consistent Navigation Use menus consistently Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.2.4 – Consistent Identification Use icons and buttons consistently Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.3.3 – Error Suggestion Suggest fixes when users make errors Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.3.4- Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) Reduce the risk of input errors for sensitive data Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
4.1.3 - Status Messages Guidelines for Status Messages Not Relevant Compliant Compliant

AAA - Advanced Level

Please note that MapsIndoors is not fully compliant with the AAA Level of accessibility at this time.

Guideline Summary Status iOS SDK Status Web SDK Status Android SDK
1.2.6 – Sign Language (Pre-recorded) Provide sign language translations for videos Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
1.2.7 – Extended Audio description (Pre-recorded) Provide extended audio description for videos Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
1.2.8 – Media Alternative (Pre-recorded) Provide a text alternative to videos Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
1.2.9 – Audio Only (Live) Provide alternatives for live audio Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
1.3.6 - Identify Purpose Purpose of UI components can be programmatically determined Not compliant Not compliant Not compliant
1.4.6 – Contrast (Enhanced) Contrast ratio between text and background is at least 7:1 Compliant, but will depend on colors selected by customer. Compliant Compliant, but will depend on colors selected by customer.
1.4.7 – Low or No Background Audio Audio is clear for listeners to hear Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
1.4.8 – Visual Presentation Offer users a range of presentation options Not Compliant Not Compliant Not Compliant
1.4.9 – Images of Text (No Exception) Don’t use images of text Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.1.3 – Keyboard (No Exception) Accessible by keyboard only, without exception Compliant Not Compliant Compliant
2.2.3 – No Timing No time limits Compliant Not Compliant Compliant
2.2.4 – Interruptions Don’t interrupt users Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.2.5 – Re-authenticating Save user data when re-authenticating Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.2.6 - Timeouts Users are warned about timeouts Not Relevant Not Relevant Not Relevant
2.3.2 – Three Flashes No content flashes more than three times per second Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.3.3 - Animations from Interactions Most Animations from Interactions can be disabled Not compliant Not compliant Not compliant
2.4.8 – Location Let users know where they are Not Compliant Not Compliant Not Compliant
2.4.9 – Link Purpose (Link Only) Every link’s purpose is clear from its text Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.4.10 – Section Headings Break up content with headings Compliant Compliant Compliant
2.5.5 - Target Size Guidelines for size of target for pointer inputs Not Compliant Not Compliant Not Compliant
2.5.6 - Concurrent Input Mechanisms Non-restriction of input modalities Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.1.3 – Unusual words Explain any strange words Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.1.4 – Abbreviations Explain any abbreviations Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.1.5 – Reading Level Users with nine years of school can read your content Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.1.6 – Pronunciation Explain any words that are hard to pronounce Compliant Compliant Compliant
3.2.5 – Change on Request Don’t change elements on your website until users ask Not fully compliant, search auto populates results on text input Compliant Not fully compliant, search auto populates results on text input
3.3.5 – Help Provide detailed help and instructions Not Compliant Compliant Not Compliant
3.3.6 – Error Prevention (All) Reduce the risk of all input errors Compliant Compliant Compliant