User's Location as Point of Origin for iOS

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Often you may want to get directions starting from a user's actual current location, instead of from another fixed Location. The following code snippet gives an example on how to implement this.

First, initialize a PositionProvider, which can be used with MPDirectionsQuery to achieve the desired result.

In order to use the PositionProvider to extract a MPPoint, you need to use MapsIndoors.latestPositionResult.geometry. This returns an MPPoint. which will serve as the origin point for the directions query. This MPPoint is then given to the method MPDirectionsQuery initWithOriginPoint:destination:.

let userPosition = MapsIndoors.positionProvider?.latestPositionResult?.geometry
let destination = MPPoint.init(lat: 57.058038, lon: 9.950509, zValue:0)!

if let origin = userPosition {

let directionsQuery = MPDirectionsQuery.init(originPoint: origin, destination: destination)

directions.routing(with: directionsQuery) { (route, error) in


Further details on how user positioning works, and how to display it, can be found here.

This results in directions queries originating from the user's current location.